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Free Hotel Games For Mobile To Download

Help Jane become a hotel magnate in this exciting strategy game! Start with Jane's small two star hotel and build it into a world-class resort. Earn money and a stellar reputation by attending to your guests and keeping the hotel clean. Use your profits to upgrade the hotel with furniture, guest amenities, and even a golf course! The full version of Jane's Hotel features:. 40 progressive levels. Loads of hotel upgrades.

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There are hundreds of fantastic games available for Android, and a lot of them are available for absolutely nothing.Whether ad-supported or based on a (boo and indeed hiss) “freemium” model, these titles are free – and guaranteed to make your morning commute a little less painful.To help you find just the sort of thing you're after, we've grouped the games into sections. First up is racing games, then sports, followed by platformers and endless runners, then shooters and strategy and word games, next up is puzzle and match games, and finally arcade games. Phew!If you can't find something you like in all that lot you must hate games. In which case, this is an odd article for you to be reading. Calling Data Wing a racing game almost seems reductive once you’ve played it, but the basis of the game is speeding around circuits in a tiny triangular craft.

It feels like Asteroids meets top-down racing as you battle inertia, scraping the edge of circuits for boost.But there’s far more to Data Wing than time trials and multi-ship races: some levels head into puzzle-oriented adventure territory, with you fighting gravity and hunting down keys. And throughout, a dual-narrative plays out, telling the story of the mobile OS you’re a part of, and the real-life trials troubling your owner.It’s all great stuff we’d recommend for a fiver. For free, it’s a bafflingly generous bargain. If you’d have told us a while back that one of the finest racers on mobile would be a turn-based online multiplayer shove ha’penny, we’d have given you a funny look – and then backed away slowly. But that’s more or less Disc Drivin’ 2, which adds a smattering of MarioKart by way of power-ups and twisty circuits.Surprisingly, the game’s turn-based approach doesn’t rob the racing of excitement and tension. That’s because every flick counts – mess up by hitting a turn wrong or missing a vital booster pad, and that’s the difference between the chequered flag and being a flicky also-ran. You might narrow your eyes at the prospect of a kart racer that doesn’t have Mario in the title – and especially when its characters look so dull and generic.

But Beach Buggy Racing 2 nails everything else.The action is fast and furious as you belt around circuits peppered with weapons boxes and shortcuts. As you gain experience, you unlock new tracks and weapons. Want to bounce on Mars or dodge a dragon’s fiery breath? Fancy turning your rivals into massive hamster balls? Go for it.The lack of leagues is a pity, and unlocking new drivers is mercilessly tough. But otherwise, this is a fabulous kart racer – easily the best you’ll find on Android.

In the 1980s, cars gleamed red, and everyone belted along multi-lane sunlit highways — oddly always in the same direction, while listening to cheesy rock music. At least if you were playing OutRun.Final Freeway 2R is a modern take on Sega’s classic arcade racer. You get all the good bits — insane speeds, road forks, car flips on crashing — but also modern tilt controls and a pause button for when some idiot calls when you’re about to zoom away from a rival.This is breezy no-nonsense fun of the kind that’ll smear a grin across your face (unless you’re dead inside); and if you can’t stand being a cheapskate, there’s a. Super Stickman Golf 3’s ancestor is the same Apple II Artillery game Angry Birds has at its core, but Noodlecake’s title is a lot more fun than catapulting birds around.It’s a larger-than-life side-on mini-golf extravaganza, with you thwacking balls about giant forests, moon bases, and metal-clad courses with a suspiciously high deadly saw-blade and laser count. The single-player game’s fun, but SSMG 3 really comes into its own in multiplayer, whether you’re taking the more sedate turn-by-turn route or ball-smacking at speed in the frenetic race mode. Given that it was conceived as a joke, riffing off Flappy Bird, Flappy Golf was a surprise hit.

Despite being utterly stupid, it proved a compelling experience as you tapped to flap a winged ball around courses from Super Stickman Golf 2.Flappy Bird 2 is a moderately more serious affair, in the sense it has a bit more polish. This time, you’re flitting about courses from Super Stickman Golf 3. As ever, sinking the ball in relatively few shots nets you stars, used to unlock more courses. The best bit, though: the absurd, fast and furious multiplayer race mode. If you’ve played previous Score! Efforts, you’ll know what you’re in for here – a bout of staccato footie, where hand-drawn wiggly lines direct your shots and passes. But unlike in those older games, you’re no longer trying to recreate classic goals – instead, you battle against online opponents.Truth be told, it’s a bit weird, and there’s enough freemium rubbish gumming the place up that you’ll almost want to give Score!

Match a red card. But there’s something weirdly compelling about the game, in part because the weird controls are a great fit for mobile, giving a serious kicking to virtual joypads. It’s not the most controversial statement Stuff has ever made to suggest that pro wrestling is, well, a bit silly. But whatever happens in WWE isn’t a patch on Rowdy Wrestling. This deranged brawler finds fighters with whirling arms bounding about, with you battling to control the chaos.Like Colin Lane’s other madcap sports games, this one’s loads of fun as you learn to grapple with its overly bouncy physics and bouts that can turn in a fraction of a second. You get various modes, too – ideal whether you fancy a quickfire rumble, or taking on all-comers in the solo career.

Free Hotel Games Online

New Star Soccer reimagines the beautiful game in an abstract and not entirely realistic fashion that owes a lot to ancient management games for the C64 and ZX Spectrum.There's no FIFA-style TV-like action here; instead, you get a selection of mini-games, giving you chances to score and pass during matches and increase your skills during training. The remainder of the game is about balancing life, keeping your boss, team and partner happy, while occasionally sneaking out to the casino and buying the odd fighter jet. Hey, we said 'not entirely realistic'.